My husband loves me. Musicals are so far down on his list of fun things to do (actually I am not sure they are even ON his list) but yet he endures them for me. This weekend we went to see Wicked at The Fox as a gift from Toby for my birthday. I have been looking forward to seeing it since Anna bought me the CD years ago. The show was amazing and the date night was wonderful. Dare I say Toby enjoyed it a little too! I think his exact words were,"It wasn't horrible." OK, so that's not exactly a rave review, but it's better than most of his opinions regarding musicals. I think the grandiose cheesiness is what makes him cringe but that is exactly what I love about it. Anyhow, I now have more songs to add to my repertoire to sing during work (get ready Sue, Latanya and Penny!).
Oh brother more musicals!
Wasn't Wicked just the BEST?!?! I'm so glad you were able to go. I saw it for the first time in Chicago earlier this year and will be seeing it again this Wednesday. I'm SO excited!!
Yes, I loved it! Have fun on Wednesday.
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