I'm sure that probably 90% of blogs having anything to do with Miami are titled "Welcome to Miami" or "Bienvenido a Miami" (or as Patrick's Aunt Abbie would say it "Miamiamiamiami") but I wasn't feeling creative enough today to come up with a new or clever title. I opted for the easy out.
Anyway, we're back from Miami and mostly unpacked. We had a really great time there and wish we could have stayed longer. We arrived Thursday night and came back Saturday night so it was a pretty quick trip. Luckily, we had all day Friday before the wedding (which started at 7:30pm) to walk around town and get lunch and relax.

Our biggest unknown going into the trip was how Patrick would react to his first plane ride. He's pretty laid back most of the time so we weren't
that concerned, but we just didn't know what he would do once the rumbling started and the pressure changed and his ears popped and he saw how much a bag of Animal Crackers cost ($3 by the way. Yep, three big ones for some bland tasting crackers shaped like hippos). We're happy to report that Patrick did GREAT on both the plane ride there and the plane ride back home. He actually fell asleep during take off on the way there, then woke up and ate then played and laughed during landing.
Another exciting thing that happened was that Patrick got his first ride in a limo! I can honestly say I never thought I'd have to strap a carseat in a limo for a three month old. He loved looking at all the lights on the roof of the limo and the bar (we asked if they had breast milk in the bar, but were told they didn't carry it. What kind of limo service is this?!). Here are a couple pics of Patrick's first ride in style:

The hotel was really nice and Patrick didn't have any trouble sleeping in a crib he's not used to. We spent time hanging out with Amy, Shannon and Tevis on Friday afternoon (we missed you Anne and Justin!...but we're glad Justin's feeeling better) and walked all over Coconut Grove. We got back to the hotel, napped then headed off for the wedding.
We had a really good time at the wedding.

Everything was beautiful and Veronica and Chris looked like they couldn't have been happier together. Patrick was able to visit Veronica a little earlier in the day to say hello since he wouldn't be at the wedding.
Which brings me to the person that made a lot of this trip possible: Patrick's Meme. Since Patrick wasn't going to be at the wedding or reception, Meme came with us to babysit while we were partying. We really can't thank her enough. It was great to have the extra set of hands while trying to get through airport security and wheel the stroller all over Coconut Grove and everything else. She was a HUGE help and, beyond that, it was nice to just spend the weekend with her.
All in all, it was a successful trip. Patrick rode his first shuttle, airport train, escelator, elevator without very good breaks and limo. We want to say a big CONGRATULATIONS to Veronica and Chris again! Thanks so much for allowing us to be a part of your day. We have to have more events like this so we can get together again!