Monday, December 13, 2010

Songs in the Key of Patrick

Tuesdays are the worst. I know conventional wisdom teaches us that Mondays are the day of the week to dread, but honestly, I disagree. Monday? I see that comin'. I've had the whole weekend to rest up. I've usually had a bunch of family time so I'm in a great mood too. I wake up Monday and I'm ready for it. It's a fresh start to a new week, and I like that. But Tuesday? Ugh. The worst. When it comes to Tuesday, well, I've just been through a Monday. Not only that, but it's still so early in the week that it feels like an eternity till the weekend; not like Wednesday with its "You're halfway there! Just keep going!" kind of feel. Tuesdays can take Thursdays* and go walk off a bridge as far as I'm concerned.

But for me, this Tuesday will be a little better. I've got the video below to make me smile any time I need it. It's a video of Patrick singing some of his favorite Christmas songs after dinner one night. There's one short clip at the end of him singing as he was waking up from his nap, too. I just thought it was cute that he woke up and started singing right away so I filmed the monitor :) Here's the video:

We've been trying to get a video of Patrick singing Christmas songs for a month now. He sings them ALL the time...except when the camera is on. So when he started singing at dinner last night, I didn't care that he had both spaghetti sauce from dinner and whipped cream from dessert on his face. I just pulled out my phone and started filming. When he's looking off to the side in the video, it's because we said "sing and see if it makes Madelyn smile." Then he watched Madelyn's face the whole song to see if she was smiling. Luckily, she was. 

I really only included the first take of Jingle Bells because of his strange "woffee kwoffee" thing at the end of it. It's his new phrase that he made up and uses it usually where you or I would say "blah blah blah." He also just says it when he has nothing else to say but HAS to keep talking by the very nature of being Patrick. I also love the kiss for Mommy at the end of Holly Jolly Christmas. Every time he sings that song he won't consider it complete unless he kisses somebody. Madelyn has been tracked down, tackled and kissed on more than one occasion due to this. Lucky for Maddy, Angie jumped in and took the bullet on this one. Something tells me she didn't mind :)

*Yes, Thursdays. What with its "Oh, you wanna get to Friday so bad do ya? Well ya gotta go through me first!" attitude. Dear Tuesday and Thursday: please get married. Then drive over a cliff together. Thanks, The World.


Jaime said...

Totally adorable! Charlie enjoyed watching too. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh these are awesome! Crazy he is able to remember so much at 2!

KBBean said...

Well-written, Toby! Carson might have a new favorite video of Patrick to watch. Not that I don't love his 2nd bday movie, but it would be a nice break :) He is so awesome--loving and smart and hilarious. Thank you for sharing!

Rebecca said...

This made me smile so much!! I love your babies! :)

Amanda said...

Creighton was a little fussy this evening, and i played this video for him, he watched the whole thing without blinking and is happy baby again. Thanks, miss and love you all :)

Anonymous said...

So much talent at such a young age!! I liked the addition of "woffee knoffee"!!! Thanks!! I certainly will play that again and again! Love and miss all of you so very, very much! Aunt Jill

Kim said...

So precious! Showed this to Scott, and he is convinced that Patrick is going to be a gifted musician! Merry Christmas!

Aunt Mollie said...

WOW!!! Patrick, you notonly make me smile,but you also make a solid smile on my face. Angie and Toby, you are such great parents and doing so well raisin you two beautiful children!!! Merry Christmas, love you all!

TERA said...

Way too cute! Jingle Bell's is Preston's favorite Christmas song too!