Sunday, February 24, 2013

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Angie's gotten into doing CrossFit the last few months and has been working on her "kipping" pull-ups. It's a way of doing pull-ups where you swing a little and use your momentum to help do the pull-ups more quickly. Well, Angie's practiced these at home, sometimes with the kids around. Then we went to the rock climbing gym and she tried them out on their pull-up bars. Here's what they look like...

Apparently Madelyn took note of the way her Mommy gets things done and decided to give it a try herself. It's pretty darn funny if you ask me (sorry about the small video in the middle)...


Jaime said...

That is too cute!

Aunt Mollie said...

Ok, so if Angie can do this for a long time, and now Patrick and Maddy can do this, then today is my day to test it out. Go CROSSFIT! Thanks guys for being such a good inspiration. Love you and miss you so much!!!!