- run up to random kids on the playground to smother them with hugs and kisses. And on more than one occasion take their food.
- bust a move to anything that sounds remotely like music (the coffee maker, garbage truck, roofers hammering shingles, etc.)
- fall asleep while eating lunch
- insist on going down slides head-first
- eat any kind of meat or vegetable set in front of her but shutter at the site of fruit
- wake up early (sometimes 4:00 am), thus her nickname, Birdie
- call for her Daddy to chase her around the house; especially if she thinks he's not paying attention to her.
- climb everything
- love her big brother more than anything in the world
This little boy has been known to...
- have quite the imagination
- love bugs and lizards and every kind of creepy crawly known to man (and wants to collect them ALL)
- tell stories and sing in his bed for hours when he should be napping

- give Daddy his treasured stuffed T-Rex from Fernbank to sleep with at night so he won't be lonely
- have a killer sense of style (ties with T-shirts, pirate leggings on his arms, rain boots with, well, everything)
- name a dinosaur or two
- confuse his Mommy by mixing Spanish words in with English
- climb everything
- love his baby sister more than anything in the world
Since the weather is warming up, we've been spending most of our days outside and many of them at playgrounds around the area. One particular morning the kids were playing with a boy about Patrick’s age who wanted a shovel that Madelyn was holding. The boy moved to push Madelyn out of the way and take the shovel. Without hesitation Patrick leaped in his path and called out, “You can’t push her! That's my baby sister!” He wasn’t angry and didn’t use physical force. He just said it matter-of-factly, made sure the boy didn't push Madelyn, then went on playing. And that was the end of that. My heart is full knowing they will be looking out for each other when Toby and I aren't around.
This is just amazing Angie and Toby. All your posts continue to show that you are great parents and your kids are learning so much about life and how to treat one another. It brings happy tears to my eyes to see them grow up so much and beautiful gifts they are to us all. Love you all very much!
I LOVE THIS POST! thanks for all the neat facts about them
precious :)
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