Every Sunday morning we go to the 8:45 mass at St Ann's. I have to get there a little early because I play drums for the service and need to setup, get a sound check, etc. That means we have to get the whole family going kinda early in order to make it, which is fine because we're up pretty early anyway. But something about Sunday morning just doesn't want to agree with us.
Last Sunday we were doing great. Ang got up at 6 to get herself ready and after she showered I woke Patrick up so he'd be ready to eat by the time Ang was done. While Patrick was eating and getting dressed, I got showered and we were ready to go. We were actually a little bit ahead of schedule
Yesterday we were doing really great. We left the house right on time and had Patrick dressed in the outfit he soaked the week before. It wasn't until after mass while we were standing around talking to people that we realized his outfit was on completely backwards. Oops.
We figured he probably needed a diaper change anyway, so we searched around for a classroom that wasn't in use to get him all cleaned up and straightened out before leaving to go to Grandma and Grandpa Flowers' house for breakfast.
Obviously, these pictures have nothing to do with the story but I thought they were good ones from this last week. This video doesn't have anything to do with the story either but it's of Patrick talking to his toys last night. Sometimes he thinks if he yells at the toys enough they'll just walk right over to him like we do.
He seriously looks like he is trying to use his Jedi mind tricks to bring the toys to him. And I love how he just gets exhausted at the end. So cute!
Well, the mind trick is a tiring thing Katie. Try it sometime. You'll see.
The video was too cute he sounds just like his friend Preston! Welcome to the world of parenthood on the vomit and change of clothes thing. Thank goodness it wasn't a yellow blow out! I seem to get soaked in those from time to time.
... can't ... hold ... head.. anym -- . So . . slee .. uuh, lihnwn .,p0,,.. uihyuhrfn .. zzzzzzzz
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